The Throat Chakra – Oasis Natural Health Centres

The Throat Chakra

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Associated with the blue color, the Throat chakra is the fifth chakra and it is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras on the “chakra ladder”. This chakra is located in the region of neck and shoulders and it governs the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

The gift of this chakra is accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice and speaking your truth.The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning.

The main challenge for the fifth chakra is doubt and negative thinking. When you gain and verify your knowledge through meditation and direct experience, then doubt and negativity are removed.The “way of the Throat Chakra” is the way of inspired creativity, seeking and sharing of the truth. It is the way of standing up for what you believe, saying no when you need to, and being open and honest in what you say.

Express your truth

Authentic expression is not something that comes easily. There’s a delicate dance between saying what you mean and staying tactful or diplomatic. Often it’s easier to say what the other person may want to hear instead of speaking your truth. Fear of not being accepted, or judgment from the other may hinder your truthful verbal expression.

If you’re used to being accommodating, rather than saying what you want, you may have to practice out loud to yourself. Affirmations are useful in making what you desire reality. Write down what you might want to express to others. Let’s suppose you’d like to ask your boss if you can work from home two days per week but you haven’t had the courage to ask. Write out the phrase you will say when you are with him. Practice it in front of your mirror.

Imbalances in the Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is imbalanced, the blockage can also manifest through non-physical symptoms that may impact you at various levels from psychological and emotional, to psychically and spiritually.

The most commons signs are:

  • fear of speaking
  • inability to express thoughts
  • shyness
  • inconsistency in speech and actions
  • social anxiety
  • inhibited creativity
  • stubbornness
  • detachment

When the throat chakra is blocked or otherwise imbalanced, energy flow is hindered and can lead to physical symptoms affecting the head, mouth, throat, and neck. It is not uncommon to experience neck pain, headaches, hoarseness, and sore throat when the flow of energy through the throat chakra is disrupted.

Some common physical symptoms of blockage include:

  • chronic sore throat
  • frequent headaches
  • dental issues
  • mouth ulcers
  • hoarseness
  • thyroid problems
  • laryngitis
  • Temporomandibular disorders of the jaw (commonly known as TMJ)
  • neck pain
Balancing the Throat Chakra

A blockage of energy in the Throat Chakra can be healed with regular practice designed to stimulate the chakra, which allows energy to flow into it and excess energy to dissipate. Chakra balancing can be helped along by a healer, but there are many things you can do on your own as well.

Simple ideas to help balance the Throat chakra:

  • Working through and releasing all negative emotions, including guilt, hurt, and resentment can work wonders to restore energy balance in the throat chakra. Sometimes a good cry can also help alleviate a blockage of the fifth chakra.
  • Practicing mindful speech, action, and deeds can help you maintain throat chakra balance. For example, talk openly and honestly with others on a regular basis.
  • Meditating on and incorporating the throat chakra’s color, blue, into your life can also calm emotional upheaval. For instance, introduce blue-colored flowers or decor to your home environment.
Throat Chakra healing foods

Liquids play a large role in healing the throat chakra because of their lubricating qualities; soups, warm teas, cool juices and of course water are all encouraged. Avoiding dairy is highly recommended as it can congest your throat and sinuses.

Blue foods: Blue is a colour rarely found in natural foods. Blueberries and blackberries are your best bet and when blended into a smoothie with hydrating coconut water make a very healing throat chakra tonic.

Fruits: Particularly fruits that grow on trees like apples, pears, oranges, peaches, apricots and plums.

Essential Oils

Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Sage, Cypress, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Spearmint, Chamomile.


Amazonite, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite, Blue Calcite.

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